Question Types in Cybertest

A large number of question types for the design of varied exams are available. These include multiple choice, drag & drop, process-based types, hotspots, text input and many more on our platform.

AuthorIng Tools

All HTML5 and formattable

Our question types are formattable and authors have the possibility to extend our existing templates with images, videos, MP3s, or any other files.

    Templates that you can extend

    With Cybertest you can create the following question types with templates, among others

    Single-Choice or Multiple-Choice Classic.

    The classic among the question types, which can ensure knowledge as a pure text task.

    Single-Choice or Multiple-Choice Image Selection

    Instead of simple text selection, you can use images as selection options.

    Single-choice or multiple-choice image situation

    Expand your question with a situational picture. Cybertest allows text and images as answer options.

    Single-Choice or Multiple-Choice Matrix

    Let your examinees combine the right answer of horizontal and vertical options.

    Single-Choice or Multiple-Choice Image Hotspot

    The solution is hidden in the image, the author has various marking options available.

    Single-Choice or Multiple-Choice Table

    Create tables where your DUTs find the solution by selecting the appropriate cells.

    Intelligent templates and new formatting options

    Since the launch of version 8, many new possibilities have been open to our customers with the new HTML5-based author suite. For example, you can now insert images where you need them and have free formatting options with the integrated Tiny MCE editor. In addition, they can also integrate videos and insert other attachments such as PDF, Word, Excel and many other common Office formats and files for each question.

    Drag & Drop Classic

    Popular drag & drop questions, which you can build exclusively with text, or as you like with images.

    Drag & Drop Image Situation

    The drag & drop task with a source image. You can build the options with text, image, or even combined.

    Drag & Drop Text

    The starting point is a gap text. The test specimens complete the text by means of drag & drop and the available text modules.

    Drag & Drop Gap Image

    The starting point is an image on which the author places gaps. These are completed by the test specimens with text modules for the solution.

    Drag & Drop Process

    For the solution, the elements are put in the right order by drag & drop. Our intelligent process task has a sophisticated evaluation system.

    Drag & Drop Table

    Create tables in which your DUTs complete the solution using drag & drop and the available response options.

    Attachment Questions

    Authors create e.B. a file template in any program such as Excel, Word etc. The DUT receives the template file during the check and processes it offline. In response, he uploads the finished edited file. Who could have imagined that complex case-based issues could be covered by e-testing? With Cybertest it is possible! Have the examinees correct balance sheets and income statements, or complete and review graphics, audios, video editing skills and have your students submit an essay. The possibilities are manifold!

    Open Input

    The examinees formulate an answer to the facts in their own words. As an author, you can also expand the question with file attachments and case studies, or you can have a dictation created using enclosed MP3 audio, which the examinee must write down. Foreign language comprehension is just as much a possible area of application here as the use of this type of question for classifications.

    Check only

    We can also do more like testing, namely impart knowledge!

    Cybertest is a unique examination system. However, there is also a full-blown CMS available for creating tutorials in the platform. Without plugins and programs to install. Practice exams for knowledge building can also be filled with the same questions and used.

    To cover the taxonomy according to Bloom Level 1-3, our tests can be corrected completely automatically. If desired, the system can share the success with the examinees or their tutors by e-mail. Certificates can be issued automatically via PDF, the examinee can print them out and enclose them with his CV.



    Are pictures and videos possible in questions?

    You can use images virtually anywhere and in any question. Videos are also usable as well as MP3 files, or almost any other file.

    Can the text in questions be formatted?

    By integrating the Tiny MCE Editor, you can format and design your questions.

    Can different topics be examined in one exam?

    Yes, you can set whether or how you want to display the questions in the blocks, or whether all or only a part of the existing questions from the question pool is queried.

    What options are available for awarding points?


    The EXAMINEE receives one point if the answer was correct and zero points if the answer was wrong.

    Accurately calculated:

    In the case of multiple-choice answers, the examinee receives a precisely calculated point assignment.


    The author decides how many points are given or deducted for which answer option. Here you have full control over the awarding of points.

    Can I edit the question if it has already been used in an exam?

    Sure! Questions and exams exist as working and published versions. You can work on your content risk-free and only publish the exams with one click when you have completed everything.

    Can I exchange questions with partners who also have Cybertest in use?

    Yes, this is possible! When importing or exporting, you also have control over whether you want to keep the original reference to the manufacturer of the question. This is useful if you may get an update in quite some time. During further import, the data is updated and there is no data chaos as in other systems.

    Can I use a question that I have created in multiple exams?

    Yes, you can! Thanks to the modular structure of Cybertest, it is also not necessary to duplicate the question. If you make changes to the question, all checks that use the question will also be updated.

    What happens if the internet goes down during the exam?

    Half as wild! Cybertest stores the progress continuously, should the Internet or WIFI have a dropout, Cybertest reports this to the dut. Upon re-entry, Cybertest will restore the questions already worked on and the exam can be continued.

    How are the questions translated into foreign languages?

    The translation can be easily done in the system. This also ensures that you really only have to translate and that the question does not have to be completely rebuilt or duplicated. Export and import functions are also available if you want to have the questions translated by an external service provider.

    Does the collection of the question types follow a specific process?

    Our UX follows a strict process, which has been continuously improved over the last 26 years and is now perfectly designed for the rapid recording of questions. In addition, there are hardly any differences between the question types, which ensures fast onboarding.

    I would like to add case studies as a ZIP file to the questions. Is that possible?

    Yes! Each question can be extended with attachments. Which files you want to attach is entirely up to you.

    Does Cybertest support the import of QTI standard questions?

    Sure! We not only support the import, but can also export questions in QTI format.

    We already have an examination system in use. If we now switch to Cybertest, can we take over the questions?

    We have accompanied some migrations in the past and can use automation to take over questions from third-party systems with little effort and at the same time free them from duplicates during the import.

    “The fact that language versions are managed by the system and that the exams and questions in different languages have the same ID is fantastic!”

    “The many settings in the tests enable us to trim the test exactly to the area of application.”

    “No other examination system offers such sophisticated functions as Cybertest does. Only the automatic exam generation based on my criteria saves me hours of work every week.”





    30-day trial

    For our interested parties, we create tailor-made test versions.